We wish everyone a healthy and successful new year

DSH preparation courses

The DSH (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang) exam is the test foreign university applicants have to take to provide proof that their German language proficiency is sufficient to take up a course of study. The DSH exam is carried out by the respective universities themselves and the requirements and costs can differ accordingly.

The entry requirement for attending most of the colleges and universities in Germany is DSH 2 (Level C1.1 to C1.2). In some disciplines DSH 3 (Level C1.2) is required and some colleges only require DSH 1 (Level B 2).  

The DSH exam consists of 5 parts: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, text production, comprehension and production of academic language and an oral examination. Our teachers thoroughly prepare participants for the DSH on our effective preparation course

Contents of the preparation class:
– the test format
– the exam structure, exam components and exam samples
– exam-specific vocabulary and important syntax and language structures
– mock exams under examination conditions
– focus on individual errors and weaknesses
– practice of strategies and techniques to master the exam
DSH Beispiele I Vorbereitung auf die DSH Prüfung

Course data

Target group:
alle an Deutsch Interessierte ab 16
Course duration:
8 Wochen
Teaching times:
Montag bis Freitag 09:00 – 13:15
Course location:
Online oder Leopoldstr. 32, 80802 München
Hours per week:
25 Unterrichtsstunden à 45 Minuten
Course level(s):
A1 – C2
Study trips and cultural programme:
werden auf die Wünsche der Teilnehmer abgestimmt.

Current courses

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